[in German] Classism at Universities (event series “All Equally Different?! Diversity in Theory and Practice”)

In the event series “‘All Equally Different?!’ Diversity in Theory and Practice,” this year’s focus is on classism at universities. Disadvantages in the educational system due to social origin and social class have been widely researched and discussed in the school sector since the 1970s – and regularly brought to public attention by PISA, IGLU and others. In contrast, classist discrimination in academic studies and in the academic profession tends to remain under the radar of social and higher education politics. A stronger thematization of socio-economic inequalities in universities has been promoted in recent years by committed (prospective) first generation academics and working-class children. Here, the organizers highlight how devaluations and exclusions based on social background and class take place in everyday university life – on campus, in teaching, and in research. How university and academic cultures operate on the basis of specific notions of ‘normal students’ and ‘academics’ without making this visible or critically reflecting on it. How performance and excellence are not enough to get the best grades, degrees and prestigious jobs. The series inclued the following events:

  • May 23, 2022: Einführung in Klassismus (lecture)allegleichanders
  • June 16, 2022: Geschlossene Gesellschaft?! Wie soziale Herkunft Studium und wissenschaftliche Karrieren beeinflusst (panel discussion, online)
  • June 30, 2022: Als Erste*r an die Hochschule – der Einfluss der sozialen Herkunft auf den Hochschulzugang (workshop, online)
  • July 1, 2022: Empowerment Workshop für Studierende der ersten Generation (workshop)

For further information on the events and on registration please visit the website.