CIDBN goes outdoors!

Spring is in the air and the leaves are getting greener every day. Apart from the squirrels, which are actually out and about almost all year round, a pair of nuthatches is highly active right in front of the windows of Christina, Zoe, Julian, Reza, Michael, Neil and Matthias. Also a pair of ducks has extended their radius from SUB to the flat roof between GEMI and us (Britta enjoys this view). And last but not least two pairs of kestrels nest in the immediate vicinity (Mensa am Turm and ZESS). Wildlife awakens on central campus…

Time to leave office and lab behind for a day and enjoy a bit of fresh air. Besides, it would be nice to meet in person and have a chat in a non-working environment. Therefore, we are planning CIDBN’s first “Bio Hike” together with Gisela Vogel. We will begin with a guided tour of the experimental botanical garden at the North Campus, where we can picnic and then explore the treetop trail.

We did not schedule the exact date, yet, but we thought about early summer. Of course, you will be the first ones to know…